This teaching and learning sequence will be delivered in two parts. In part one the teacher will model the inquiry process with a focus on Australian Celebrations and Commemorations. Part two involves a student-led inquiry and the focus will be on Global Celebrations. Students will be encouraged to use thinking routines throughout their investigations.
The Australian Curriculum: Geography, Civics and Citizenship, Arts and Literacy will be integrated throughout this program where appropriate, meaningful links are evident.
To gain a sense of the holistic nature of this program, it is essential pre-unit preparation to download and review the following resources:
Teaching program, 'Celebrations and Commemorations' Resource 1 is designed to be downloaded and printed in A3 format. You may wish to highlight this Teaching Program to indicate which particular aspects of the Year 3 Australia History Curriculum are covered in this unit. This program format was designed to teach any topic within the Year 3 Australia History Curriculum, as all the key elements for this year level are included.
Learning Sequence, 'Celebrations and Commemorations' Resource 2

Additional Programme Links:
Stories to Unite Us http://globalwords.edu.au/units/Indigenous_JPY3_4_html/index.html
Change, diversity and symbolism in the community https://www.nla.gov.au/digital-classroom/year-3
Community and Remembrance http://syllabus.bostes.nsw.edu.au/assets/global/files/history_s2_sampleu1.pdf
Teaching and Learning Sequence:
Part 1 – Teacher Modelling the Inquiry Process: Australia
Activity 1 - Compare/Contrast the difference between Celebration and Commemoration.
Activity 2 - Does Australia Day have significance for all Australians? Celebration or commemoration?
Activity 3 - What is Harmony Week and why is it significant?
Activity 4 - What are the symbols and emblems connected with ANZAC Day? How and why are they significant?
Activity 5 - How and why are Australian Indigenous events celebrated and/or commemorated?
Part 2 – Student led inquiry: Global celebrations
Activity 6 - What are some significant celebrations around the world and how are they are celebrated?
Activity 7 - Exploring celebrations around the world. Summative assessment task.
Activity 8 - Celebration Expo - Drawing conclusions and presenting evidence

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