History in the Making
This collection of Teaching and Learning Programs is based on the Australian Curriculum for primary students to wonder about the past by actively engaging in the historical inquiry process.
Project Description:
This project was originally established to provide a Professional Learning experience for primary teachers of History, by providing a framework to write teaching and learning programs based on their current implementation of the Australian Curriculum: History. The outcome is a range of AC History units published as an online teacher resource to be shared with the wider Education community. The Association of Independent Schools Western Australia (AISWA) developed and managed the project, led by Maree Whiteley (AISWA Humanities Consultant), who delivered Professional Learning sessions, provided teacher support during the writing phase of the project, edited several of the units and liaised with our partners and critical readers from the History Teachers Association of Victoria (HTAV).
AITSL National Professional Teaching Standards for Teachers
Standards addressed directly in this professional learning:
2.1 Content and teaching strategies of the learning area
2.6 Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
3.1 Establish challenging learning goals
3.4 Select and use resources
6.2 Engage in professional learning and improve practice
6.4 Apply professional learning and improve student learning
7.4 Engage with professional teaching networks and broader communities
Project Manager and Coordinating Editor
Maree Whiteley – AISWA Education Consultant: Humanities and Social Sciences
– HTAA Primary Years Consultant
Ron Gorman – AISWA Deputy Director and Manager of Special Projects
Unit Authors
Samantha Wynne - Teacher, Lance Holt School, Fremantle Western Australia
Samantha Wynne – Teacher, Lance Holt School, Fremantle Western Australia
Please note: The content of the Australian Curriculum: History for the first two year levels (Foundation and Year 1) are often both described as ‘Families past and present’ with very little, clear distinction between what is taught. This being the case, in choosing to focus on the concept of Time, a deliberate attempt was made to create two learning sequences that demonstrate the progression of historical understandings in these early years. The following units were written by the same teacher in a multi-age, PP/Year 1 classroom however, each unit can also be taught independently.
Year 3 Celebration and Commemoration
Jennifer Langley – Teacher, St Stephen’s School, Carramar Western Australia
Year 3 Commemorating a Centenary of ANZACs
Maggie Catterall - Library Teacher, St Monica’s School, Footscray Victoria
Marion Littlejohn - Education Officer Sovereign Hill, Ballarat, Victoria
Bek Duyckers – Teacher, Perth College, Mt Lawley Western Australia
HTAV staff
This project would not have been possible without the expertise and collaboration of HTAV Staff who liased with and provided ongoing support for the Victorian-based writers.
We would like to acknowledge this excellent History resource developed by the History Teachers Association Australia (HTAA) in 2012. The choice of year levels included in the History in the Making project was as a direct result of teachers requesting additional resources to complement the existing Year 2, Year 4 and Year 6 units from www.achistoryunits.edu.au
AISWA Disclaimer and Copyright statement
Disclaimer: The information contained in this publication is to the best of our knowledge and belief correct at time of publication. However, no warranty or guarantee is or can be provided by AISWA or any member of its staff, and no liability is or can be accepted for any loss or damage resulting from any person relying on or using the information contained in this publication. AISWA values education and equality of all students within Western Australia. However, the views expressed in this publication by the individual schools who participated in the project that resulted in the publication are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AISWA.
Copyright: This publication was produced for use by educators in Australian schools. Acknowledgement of the Association of Independent Schools of Western Australia would be appreciated in doing so.
@AISWA Educational Publication teacher resource – not for resale
This material may be used, reproduced and communicated free of charge for non-commercial educational purposes, provided all acknowledgements are retained. This material is exempt from collection by copyright agencies.