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Lesson Sequence


This lesson sequence emphasises the development of inquiry skills and builds children’s understandings of continuity and change, cause and effect, perspectives, empathy and significance. It aims to develop children’s knowledge of past, present and future in the context of their own personal history and that of their families. The unit explores the concept and language of time and then moves to using sources and artefacts to show their own personal history. Students will share personal artefacts and those shared from their families to explore concepts of time, history and change. 



Lesson One - Exploring the Time Talking Tubs™ and Creating a 3-D Mind Map

Focus Question: Can students identify between the past, present and future? 


Lesson Two - The language of time- developing an appropriate vocabulary for talking about time

Focus Question: Can students use relevant and accurate terms to show the passing of time? 


Lesson Three - Past, Present and Future – who was I, who am I and who will I be?

Focus Question: Can students pose questions about the past, present and future? 


Lesson Four - Proving I have grown – presenting an oral language history talk using personal artefacts

Focus Question: Can students use sources to support their narrative about the past? 


Lesson Five - Personal Artefacts Museum – Sharing personal historical sources 

Focus Question: Can students identify and compare features of objects from the past and present?


Lesson Six - When Frank Was Four – How I have grown and changed? 

Focus Question: Can students present a narrative about their past using drawing and writing as a communication form?


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